Sunday, October 05, 2008
Weeks 5 & 6 & 7 ?
Yes, we're still moving along! The boys are zooming through their math books, which makes me wonder if we need to bump to the next grade level, or try different things that are mathematical. I think we'll stick to their current math books and see where we are at the end of the calendar year.

Nate is reading very well these days - he's still not sure of himself, but he's sounding out words that he sees on signs and other places, which is a good sign. He enjoys the reader we're using now, although he was completely astounded that they showed the kids without seat belts! (The book was written in the 50's) It's amazing to think that my kids have never known a time of not being strapped into the car.

Colin is doing well and not struggling with anything. He is a little sloppy when it comes to spelling tests, but I think that's more laziness than anything else.

The weather is cooling off finally around here, so we'll start heading to the botanical gardens, zoo and the parks much more often. We met a friend at the park last week, even though it was almost 100, just because we were so tired of staying inside.

posted at 10:26 PM

About Us
I'm a homeschooling mom with 3 wonderful kids! My boys are 6 & 7 and working at a 1st and 2nd/3rd grade level. We use Catholic Heritage Curriculum loosely, with lots of our own ideas added in. My boys attend an enrichment program one day per week during the traditional school year, which gives me extra time with my toddler daughter, and the chance to run some errands without my active boys.

This blog was a running list of what we do each school-day, but I tend to post here sporadically now. We usually school on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday to take DH's days off into account.

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Catholic Heritage Curricula

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